Jumpstart Package
Jumpstart Package
Want to feel better and gain tools to get you on the right path for long-term health? This 3-month introductory package is perfect for those looking to improve their waistline, overall well-being and lifestyle through healthy food and habits. Clients typically experience short-term goal attainment and an increase in energy and mental focus – plus they feel empowered and able to live a more balanced, health-full life.
- 1-hour consultation – in person, over the phone or via Zoom
- Medical History Questionnaire
- Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency Assessment
- Macronutrient Breakdown, with individual daily caloric intake details
- 1-week Meal Plan with photos, recipes and a detailed shopping list
- 3 in-depth and specific recommendations
- Supplement support and access to discount supplements
- 3 months of access/communication via email